Loaner Laptop Request

Technology Support maintains a pool of laptop computers available for short-term loan to employees.

All laptops are Dell systems running Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit and have Ethernet & wireless adapters connections, and video-out for connecting to projectors (HDMI).

The loaner laptops will not have your data, nor should you store your data locally on the drive.  Please use Microsoft OneDrive or other cloud data storage.  When the loaner laptop is returned, all data is purged.

There is no charge for borrowing a laptop.

What to Expect

Select the Submit Request button located on this page to initiate your request. 

Loan terms are up to one month.  Long term loaner requests require IT approval.

Next Steps

Keep track of updates to your ticket and engage with IT technician(s) through the confirmation email notification or the Ticket Requests section.


Submit Request


Service ID: 4857
Mon 7/31/23 10:33 AM
Mon 7/31/23 2:26 PM