Request Access to HPC


AI.Panther Supercomputer

Departmental HPC Clusters are being used to facilitate specific needs of the department. The availability of the department clusters varies between each department.


Faculty can request access to the AI.Panther cluster by following the directions below.

For an entire course to get access, the course instructor has to request access and provide all the TRACKS accounts needing access.

For a guest, visitor, or student to get access, they must have a faculty sponsor to get access to the cluster.

What to Expect

Select the Submit Ticket button located on this page to initiate your request. 

Please provide a brief statement about the project and the specific needs for it (i.e., CPU, GPU, storage, etc.) 

Once the request has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with your ticket number, including a link to view the status of your request.

Next Steps

Keep track of updates to your ticket and engage with IT technician(s) through the confirmation email notification or the Ticket Requests section.


Submit Ticket


Service ID: 1398
Sun 10/30/22 10:02 PM
Tue 6/11/24 4:05 PM