Do you support website integration for social media and networking tools?

Yes! We often find that we need tools and services that are available for use outside the university. Social networking and Web 2.0 have made Facebook, MySpace, DIGG, Twitter, Google, and a myriad of other services necessary.

Web services is dedicated to providing integration to these services for the benefit of all our users of the Florida Tech web. Here are just a few examples of how we can assist you in integrating your externally hosted services with your university web presence.

Google Calendars - We can integrate your Google Calendar with your web site

Google Analytics - Content Managers can register to receive monthly Google Analytics reports

Facebook - You can also get dynamic content fed from your approved Facebook page or account.

Blogspot - Get integrated RSS feeds from your blog


Flickr - Have images stored on Flickr? We can help you to set up a dynamic feed on your Florida Tech website

Gadgets and Widgets - We love to hear new ideas for widgets and gadgets that can enhance our web presence. Let us hear your ideas!


Article ID: 2148
Tue 11/29/22 6:06 PM
Tue 11/29/22 6:06 PM