1. Go to the website https://spam.fit.edu
2. Login with your email address (ex: username@fit.edu) and TRACKS password
3. Click the cog icon next to your email address in the upper-right corner
4. On the Security tab, click on the edit icon next to either the Block List, Safe List, or both

5. This will download a .csv file
6. Navigate to your Downloads folder and open the .csv file with Excel
7. Click File, choose Save As, select Text (MS-DOS) (*.txt) from the dropdown menu, then click Save
Also, choose to save this file in a different location instead of the Downloads folder, if you wish

8. Close the Excel file
9. In Outlook, click on the Junk icon to bring up a drop-down list, then select Junk E-Mail Options

9. Navigate to either the Safe Senders tab or Blocked Senders tab - depending on which file from spam.fit.edu you would like to upload - then click the Import from File... button

10. Navigate to the .txt file from step 7, click on it to choose it, then click Open
11. Click OK when complete