Messaging within the Webex Desktop App



Quickly send a message to one or more people directly, without creating a space first on the Webex app.

Users can send messages and communicate to other internal users or outside contacts, as long as they are also utilizing the Webex app.

Learn more about messaging within the Webex desktop app:

Sending Messages

Advanced Messaging

Reading and Responding to Messages

Organizing Messages


Sending Messages

To a New Contact

Click the button next to the Messaging section, then select Send a message to start a new conversation.  

Start a Conversation

To an Existing Contact

Send a message


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Advanced Messaging

Format messages

Add emojis

Share files, photos, videos, or GIFs


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Reading and Responding to Messages

When you receive a new message, you will be notified right away. You can choose to respond immediately, or peek at the message and respond later.

Responding to messages 

Follow conversations more easily with threads

Quote someone's message

Forward messages

Peeking at Messages

You can peek at messages sent to you without marking them as read or sending a read receipt.  

Peek Into a Space


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Organizing Messages

Filter your messages

Search messages

Flag messages


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Article ID: 9931
Fri 12/15/23 3:49 PM
Fri 6/14/24 2:04 PM