Overview and Process
Some phones require the user to log in to the GET Mobile app once daily to utilize Panther Mobile. Ensure NFC is turned on by going to your phone’s Settings.
To use Panther Mobile at a reader, the phone does not need to be unlocked, but the screen should be awake.
Hold the Android phone parallel to the reader, within at least 1-2 inches. Android phones can vary in the placement of the NFC antenna, so moving the phone up or down against the reader may be necessary.
The device will bring the Panther Mobile credential up automatically from your Google Wallet.
For door access, the card reader will beep and the light at the top will turn green once the door has been successfully unlocked.
For door access at student residential locations, the additional step of inputting your personal code is still required before the door will successfully unlock.
Participation in Panther Mobile is voluntary at this time. Panther Card users who do not elect to use Panther Mobile may continue using their card as normal.
Viewing Panther Mobile Details
Using Panther Mobile at Buildings
Using Panther Mobile at Point-of-Sale Locations
Using Panther Mobile at Vending Machine and Self-Service Kiosk Locations
Using Panther Mobile at Print/Copy Devices
Viewing Panther Mobile Details
To view Meal Plans, FlexCredit, or Panther Cash balances:
1. Bring up your Panther Mobile card from within the Wallet, or open the Wallet app
2. Tap on the Panther Mobile card
3. Available balances will be displayed on the front of the Panther Mobile card

To view your 90x number (your Student or Employee ID number) for verification purposes:
1. Open the Wallet app
2. Tap on the Panther Mobile card
3. Tap the Information icon
4. Your 90x number (your Student or Employee ID number) will display under your name

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Using Panther Mobile at Buildings
All exterior and interior building readers have been upgraded to support Mobile Credentials. Wake up the Android phone screen and hold the phone parallel to the building reader, within at least 1 inch, and wait for an audible beep and/or a green light to appear. The door will then unlock.
For door access at student residential locations, the additional step of inputting your personal code is still required before the door will successfully unlock. ONLY student residents assigned to a specific residential building will be able to access this location type.
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Using Panther Mobile at Point-of-Sale Locations
All point-of-sale location readers have been upgraded to support Mobile Credentials. Wake up the Android phone screen and hold the phone parallel to the reader, within 1 inch, and wait for an audible beep and/or a green light to appear.
Mailing and shipping services have not been upgraded to support Mobile Credentials, at this time. Stay tuned for updates!
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Using Panther Mobile at Vending Machine and Self-Service Kiosk Locations
Vending machine and self-service kiosks have not been upgraded to support Mobile Credentials, at this time. Stay tuned for updates!
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Using Panther Mobile at Print/Copy Devices
All multi-function print/copy machines have been upgraded to support Mobile Credentials.
Important: New readers have been installed, so users will need to re-register their account on the machine for each different use case (ID card, mobile phone, and/or Apple Watch.)
Follow steps 1-3 to register each different use-case: Florida Tech ID card and/or Android phone. This is a one-time re-registration step for the new reader to recognize these different device types.
1. Tap your Florida Tech ID card, or wake up the Android phone screen and hold the phone parallel above the reader to the right of the display.

2. When prompted, sign in with your TRACKS username and password

3. Log out, then repeat with a different use-case device
4. After initial re-registration, wake up the Android phone screen and hold the phone parallel to the reader, within 1 inch, and wait for the machine to log you in. Then you may use the machine as normal.
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