About Google Applications
Florida Tech partners with Google to provide students with an email address and other tools in the form of a Google Applications account. Google Applications has its own password associated with your Tracks username.
It's important to note that your Google Applications password is not the same as your Tracks password. While your Tracks password expires every 180 days, your Google Applications password never expires. The reason for this difference is due to Google's account configuration.
There are circumstances under which uncommon or older platforms may require using your Google Applications password to add your student email to your device. Otherwise, CAS authentication with your normal Tracks username and password should work.
As a precautionary measure, you should follow these instructions to set up your Google Applications password in case the configuration of your email address calls for its use.
If you have already set a Google Applications password, skip these instructions and scroll down to the Android OS or iOS instructions.
Setting Up Your Google Applications Password
1. Go to the website: http://mail.my.fit.edu and sign in with your Tracks username and password
2. Once signed in, open the "Settings" menu by clicking the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the window
3. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu
4. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab. Next to "IMAP Access:," click to "Enable IMAP"
5. Click "Save Changes" to save the configuration
6. Go to TRACKS Password Change System
7. Once in the TRACKS Password Change System, click the dropdown menu next to "Type:" and select "Google Applications."
8. Create a Google Applications password by entering it and then verifying it in the fields shown
Ensure that the password meets the requirements listed at the bottom of the page. Click "Change Password" to continue
9. If the password sets correctly, you will see the following message
Your Google Applications password is now set. As mentioned above, it can be used in case your device will not configure by logging into CAS authentication with your Tracks password